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I reject your idols
Smashing your priceless vases to pieces
I street skate on car hoods
You're just jealous I can do a backflip

I free dive off of skyscrapers
I swallow pebbles for fun
Who are you?
Get out of my fucking face

Your false perspective collapses in a cascade reaction
I've calculated the universe in my brainstem
I sell neuron planetary real estate to fellow geniuses
You're not invited

I burn $100 bills to power my nuclear reactor

I live alone.

Where am I?

I'm so afraid.

I cup my cheek in my palm and gaze out the window longingly.

I can hardly breathe through panting, gasping weeping.

I take my last breath as my eyes gently close for my final rest.

In my infinite reincarnations, I wish only to endlessly die
For the rest of eternity.

June 6, 2022